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Boiron HomeoFamily Kit with The Essentials - 32 Assorted Homeopathic Tubes, 12 Oscillococcinum Doses, and a Handy Storage Case

Boiron HomeoFamily Kit with The Essentials - 32 Assorted Homeopathic Tubes, 12 Oscillococcinum Doses, and a Handy Storage Case

  • $ 19900

HomeoFamily is a versatile home kit from Boiron, world leader in homeopathic medicines. Filled with our pharmacistsÍ selection of the most widely used homeopathic medicines, this kit will keep you organized and prepared for common conditions you and your family may experience

Whether new to homeopathy or an experienced user, you will appreciate becoming more familiar with single medicines through this easy-to-use kit.

- Deluxe home kit filled with homeopathic essentials.
- Contains 32 full-size tubes of Bioron single medicines.
- Comes with 12 individual doses of Oscillococcinum.
- Can store 16 additional tubes plus six more doses of Oscillo coccinum.
- Ideal for home, office, or professional use.
- Includes pamphlet which instructions that explain what each homepathic tube is designed for
- Includes storage case.

Aconitum napellus 6C; (2) Apis mellifica 30C; Argentum nitricum 30C; (2) Arnica montana 30C; Arsenicum album 30C; Belladonna 6C; Bryonia 6C; Cantharis 6C; Cinchona officinalis 30C; Cocculus indicus 30C; Coffea cruda 30C; Cuprum metallicum 6C; Drosera 30C; Euphrasia officinalis 6C; Ferrum phosphoricum 6C; Gelsemium sempervirens 30C; Glonoinum 6C; Histaminum hydrochloricum 30C; Ignatia amara 30C; Ipecacuanha 6C; Kali bichromicum 6C; Kali phosphoricum 30C; Ledum palustre 6C; Magnesia phosphorica 6C; (2) Nux vomica 30C; Podophyllum peltatum 30C; Rhus tox 6C; Ruta graveolens 6C; Urtica urens 6C; 12 doses of Oscillococinum.